Author Archive for Beth Anne Young


Testimony Part 2

So, this is some pictures and me giving my testimony audibly… 🙂


My African Love…

I’ve known I’ve wanted to be a teacher since I was in elementary school myself, which adds to the excitement that God is obviously ready to push me to a new level.

When I came to Swaziland 2 years ago, it was totally out of obedience to an obvious direction from God. In the past I’ve tended to fall very squarely in the “worry-wart” and “nervous Nelly” categories, but God is bringing me- rather pulling me out of those comfort-zone and a big shift of that occurred as I stepped out in faith to go to Africa.

I such an amazing time in Swaziland- growing with God, learning from Him, being His hand and feet, and loving His people. It really put into perspective one of my greatest callings- just to love His children…. My favorite thing to do whether in Swazi or Jacksonville is to sit and rub a child’s back and tell them that I love them, that Jesus loves them….

So, when our crew came in 2007 we did a lot of work with your carepoint teachers and Christy Merrill and as the ‘in house’ teacher I got to do a lot of leading and planning prior and during the trip. I had so much fun training the teachers- and my team- on the Teacher Planning day! Those moments quickly nesteled themselves inside my heart…

I had such a hard time leaving Swazi on that trip…I basically cried the whole way home and weeks after…I truly felt like I left my heart there.

For the first time in my life, I was considering mission work full-time…craziness, is what I would normally have thought of that idea… but now, it seemed so fitting for my heart and personality…

So, I prayed and rested in the fact that God would let me know if and when He wanted me there…and I waited…and waited…meanwhile, daydreaming about working with the children and teachers at the schools and having visions of me implementing programs and such…some so vivid that I had to know they were from God and I just had to write them down in my journal.

So, the next year- this past September, it was a no brainer that I had to go back and as I went, I was praying God would speak to me about moving there…

The trip was of course awesome and the whole time I’m trying to envision myself there…then we have dinner with the Rogers and I (not planning at all on it) start blabbing to Ben about my interest in working with CC and how I wanted to “steal Christy’s position”…his response made my heart skip a beat for a minute…he says “ya know, “She’s leaving in December…” That had me really pondering the whole idea…could I? Could I, really be a missionary?

So, when I came back I placed the decision back in God’s hands, bc honestly it was just too big and scary for me to make…until a few months later (now January) after a missions trip to Washington DC, I realized that my heart had been settled on it and that God wanted to use me in Swaziland.

So now, I’m stepping out , nervously, but stepping out none-the-less and trusting that what is the will of God will come to pass and nothing of man can stop. He recentlys spoke to me as I read out of Nehemiah 4… Everyone and all logic may be against this mission, it may look extremely daunting from my persepective at times, but He is an big God with a big plan, and all glory to Him because He is able to see it to fruition!


New Blog for a New Chapter

I just decided in these wee hours of the night to start a new blog…why? why NOT!!  🙂 I also have tons of things on my mind and I want another outlet to get them out there! 🙂 Whew!

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Swaziland Time

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